What Does ARTxVxST Mean?

Artxvxst (n. Art • ti • Vist) is a word-combination of 'Art' & 'Activist' with simply replacing the letters "i" with an "x." This represents what I call the "Generation 19xx," that are simply individuals who advocate and hold a level of appreciation for authentic art, of any age.
The Artxvxst is an art activist who promotes a lifestyle of originality, authenticity, and being true to yourself and your art/craft. Whether you are an artist, student, teacher, or dog-walker, you find pride and joy in doing what you love, shamelessly and unapologetically. This activism works as a motivational effort to constantly develop your craft and to see the artistic beauty in every form of creation.
The art activist promotes the notion of the 'Culture Crusader.' The Culture Crusader (what in my head) is an individual in place that is their authentic selves, no additives or preservatives. Your authentic self thus is a direct combat to the mainstream ideology of "Culture Vultures." We all should be familiar with the term "Culture Vultures." These are people or groups that use & abuse art in variety for their personal gain, monetary gain, disregarding the ethics of art. I'd like to think that Culture Crusaders keep the originality within their art, and of course "do it for the culture." As an Artxvxst, you pledge to always strive to be the best version of yourself and your true, you. This will allows allow you to elicit greatness.